Our Duty Is Craftsmanship
After all, our duty is craftsmanship.

Sonoma Fire Company is Established.

Family Winery Founded.
Industrious and determined to fulfill his American Dream, Samuele Sebastiani began carting cobblestones to the ferry and across the bay to San Francisco. After years of hard work as a mason quarry-mining the Sonoma hills, Samuele saved enough to purchase the wine making equipment which enabled him to make his first 5oo gallons of wine. He sold it locally to the local masons, farmers, and craftsmen of Sonoma, off of the same cart that had hauled stones, which helped pave the streets of San Francisco, CA. From these humble beginnings of his entrepreneurial endeavor, in a few short years Samuele was able to purchase land and facilities from the Franciscan Fathers who had worked the land for Centuries prior. Ever expanding his enterprise, he purchased land to benefit his winery business. Though hard times fell upon much of the United States due to the depression and prohibition Samuele worked hard to develop the town of Sonoma, employing the locals with such projects as constructing a theatre, the town’s skating rink, a hotel and apartments. He even created a cannery in order to keep locals employed at his winery.
Sylvia & August Sebastiani Purchase Winery from Samuele’s Estate.
After the purchase of the old winery, Sylvia and August (Samuele’s third child) began to focus the family company’s attention, which had grown quite vast, on wine production and its agricultural support. Introducing new varietals and proprietary blends to their product line, as well as expanding the family’s winery using local craftsmen, August’s innovation and attention to craftsmanship became renowned throughout the California wine industry.

Sonoma Volunteer Firefighter Association Makes an Announcement in Sonoma Index-Tribune.
Sonoma Volunteer Firefighters Association takes out Advertisement in the Sonoma Index-Tribune announcing City Bond election to construct the new firehouse and jail.
Propositions 1 & 2 to Fund the Building of the Patten Street Firehouse and Jail/Holding Cell Passes.

Firehouse Construction Complete.

Don Sebastiani (Sylvia & August’s Third Child) Serves 3 Terms in California State Legislature. In 1985, Don Returns Home to Run the 76 Year Old Family Company.
After taking control and expanding on his father’s successful endeavor producing table varietals, Don introduced a full range of varietals that helped increase production and sales nearly threefold. Innovative as his predecessors, Don’s motivation to grow the company truly embodied the family’s legacy.

Improvements to Firehouse are Completed with the Addition of Second Story and Garage Bays 1 & 2.

The Other Guys, Inc. was created.
August Sebastiani (Don’s second child) establishes a wine company originally created with the goal of becoming a premier négociant. The Other Guys successfully implements a direct-to-trade business model that establishes them as an independently operated winery. Expanding the focus, the new company sees the opportunity in 2011 to establish an additional craft spirits division and 35 Maple Street Spirits takes flight.

August Sebastiani II Elected to Sonoma City Council.
Following in the footsteps of 3 previous generations of Sebastiani’s, August enters into public service, working as a member of the Sonoma City Council. Spending much of his time working to improve both the City of Sonoma and creating opportunities for the citizens themselves. He has continued his civic service by heading up the August & Sylvia Sebastiani Foundation (named for his grandparents), which primarily lends its support to Catholic childrens’ charities and other local philanthropies.

3 Badge Beverage Corporation, 15 Sept. 2016
Vacant for Nearly a Decade, the Old Firehouse is Sold to August Sebastiani and soon-to-be 3 Badge Beverage Corporation.
The City of Sonoma elects to sell the building to a fourth generation descent of the Sebastiani wine family, August Sebastiani. This family’s history is synonymous with the development of much of the City of Sonoma and instrumental in the construction of the Patten Street Firehouse itself. The young company moves in and rebrands itself in honor of their new home and the Sebastiani family’s service entwined with it—3 Badge Beverage is born.
We at 3 Badge Beverage Corporation strive to continue in the tradition of our ancestors, expanding their entrepreneurship, and embracing the commitment to craftsmanship by creating premium wine, spirits, and beer.
“We are not diverging from tradition…by expanding our endeavors… we are evolving, but doing it on familiar soil. New brands, old sentiment.”
–August Sebastiani October 30, 2016